Since a very young age, Zimei has always been passionate about music and art. And until this day, it is her daily driving force and life-long journey. After finishing school, Zimei attended Shenyang University in China and the College of Beijing, where she studied business and art image design.

As a professional artist and musician for over 20 years, Zimei has accomplished multiple extraordinary awards:

From various solo art exhibitions to receiving a Gold Medal Award for the best “Original Work” in the “International Asian Patent Exhibitions Fair” in 2002 and later on. In 2007 being titled the “World Outstanding Chinese Artist” by the International Chinese Artists Society. Her original work was awarded a special golden trophy.

She immigrated to California as an “Extraordinary Ability” artist in2010, where she decided to spread her art and culture to the local people in her various exhibitions, events and as an art and music teacher and image consultant in her school. Many of her students got awards in different competitions. One of her students awarded the first prize in the international competition.

When she is not working, Zimei loves to travel, have warm and pleasant conversations with her family and friends, and explore new ideas and opportunities.

She is passionate about sharing her experiences on a healthy lifestyle and beauty with women. She encourages people, especially women, to live life to the fullest and become more beautiful, happy, independent, and confident.


One of those most recent opportunities she came across is to share her life experience and stories with the world. She enjoys writing her heart out in stories, fairytales, and even fantasy.

Throughout her existing and upcoming books, her goal is to present and bring more positive things to people’s lives, such as kindness, gratitude, joy, and cherish of a good life and beauty of the world.

Reference: Wikipedia – Zimei

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